Christ is born! Christ has died! Christ is Risen! Christ will come again! This is what we proclaim.
But who cares? And how do we invite others to care along with us? Who is interested in remembering a few questionable historic moments from so long ago? And who can warm up to this final statement? Doesn’t it sound like a fairy tale or a science fiction extravaganza?
Maybe, we can share a closer look. Perhaps, we can ask another’s response to one or more of these questions. Then share each ending statement, prefaced by, “I believe that….”
Christ is born. What babies have you experienced close up? What difference did one baby make? What do you known about your birth, about abortion, pregnancy or welcoming a new child? God chose and chooses to enter each reality through the birth of Jesus.
Christ has died. Maybe there aren’t crucifixions on the edge of your town. But death still surround us: from starvation, war, disease, catastrophes, poverty, even loneliness. Which kind of death threatens you most? Jesus dies beside each victim. Jesus holds each person in his arms during every final gasp for air.
Christ is risen. Can you imagine such an incomprehensible reversal of everything we know about the end of the human body? How can this be true? The Holy Spirit can help. “Jesus once said to St. Thomas, ‘Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” Then Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”” (John 20:27-28)
Christ will come again. Will Jesus come marching on the clouds, blotting out the sun; or on the heels of a perishing earth –ravaged by climate catastrophes? But wait. Have you ever experienced Jesus coming as your Emmanuel, as God-with-us? Whether you answer YES or NO, Jesus comes today and again tomorrow. Let Christ be born in you now. Let him share all of your deaths. Let Jesus raise you up to holiness, again and again. Let Jesus come. Then, acknowledge his ultimate coming, when the last AGAIN is written in large letters for all of creation.