The media is abuzz with what Pope Francis will say when he visits the United States? Will it be affirming or challenging, or both? Will his address to Congress be truly historic in its content and delivery? Will he speak like a father, a dignitary, or a prophet?
We think the more important question is, “WHAT WILL YOU SAY when he is here?” How will you speak about his visit with friends, co-workers and family? After all, we too are called to share the Good News, not only about the pope, but about Jesus in our midst.
And especially, you who have been baptized, were baptized into Trinitarian love—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit… as a fledgling apprentice in the art of receiving and reflecting God’s love. And even now, the waters of God’s life continuously wash over you, strengthening you and giving you all you need to be a caring disciple of Jesus… And even though you may have made mistakes, the Holy Spirit is willing to help you start the Christian life all over again, every day or every hour if necessary. God’s grace is there for you as you face the challenges of being your brother’s keeper or your sister’s friend in the Lord… (Mending Broken Relationships…)
So now you have an opportunity to grow in your Baptism by sharing what faith you have, as well as, by testing the waters of new faith in others around you. So share how God touches you through the Pope, by saying, “I like …..” And ask what strikes those around you about his words and his presence. Ask this often. And when you get a reply, go a step further. Ask, “And what does this mean for you?”Ask, “How might what he is saying make a difference in your life, if you took these words to heart?”
links to one of the sites that will live steam the Holy Father’s events:
The United States Conference of Bishops…/pap…/papal-visit-2015-live-stream.cfm
2. Social media
Articles on and
3. Facebook pages
Catholic News Service
Catholic News Agency
Zenit News Agency
James Martin, SJ
Throughout the week post, tweet or retweet what you like about Pope Francis’ visit!
(From Welcoming Pope Francis to the United States
by SR. SUSAN WOLF, SND on SEPTEMBER 22, 2015, Catholic Web Solutions…/welcoming-pope-franc…/)