Saints and Evangelizing Compassion

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How would you complete this sentence? “Oh, if only I could win a million dollars in the lottery, I would share some of it with______”

But wait, St. Catherine Drexel did “win” the lottery at birth and decided to spend it ALL on poor Black and Native American children. Others, like St. Frances Cabrini, spent every ounce of strength building hospitals and schools. And also saints like Martin de Porres spent time on sick, hungry and poor immigrant slaves. Still others, like the soon to be canonized, Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin, combined their professional talents and spent their lives alongside a handful of employees in their lace-making business, while they raised nine children to love God, including their daughter, St. Therese of Lisieux. But what all these saints spent was nothing, compared to what was in their hearts, an all-encompassing, evangelizing compassion for the needs of body, mind, and soul.

Have you embraced this kind of compassion?  Do you spend yourself by responding with Christ-centered concern, with listening, and with acts of physical, emotional and spiritual mercy? Are you even aware of the spiritual needs of others?  Does all that you do for others bring them closer to God? Here are some steps you can take: First comes realizing that this is humanly impossible. Second, is an awareness of God’s call to a deeper and more multi-faceted love in all of your relationships.  Third, is asking for God‘s promised Holy Spirit who inspired St. Catherine Drexel, Blessed Louis & Zelie Martin, St. Frances Cabrini, St. Martin De Porres and countless others.

Come Holy Spirit. Empower us to participate in God’s transforming love for those we serve. Strengthen us as we befriend those around us. Intervene in their lives and multiply our resources as we reach out in love. We say ‘Yes!’ We choose to spend it all, Lord. Help us join the saints as evangelizing witnesses to Jesus Christ, the answer to all human needs and the true source of all mercy and compassion. Come Holy Spirit. Come… Amen.

About the Bouchers

John and Therese are Educators and Authors. At present, Therese is writing historical fiction, while John offers spirituality workshops online. Between them they have written many books. They both hold a Masters Degree in Religious Education and have worked for the Dioceses of Rockville Centre, NY; Trenton, NJ; and Worcester, MA. John and Therese are the parents of five and the grandparents of five.
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