There are over-lapping stages in parish evangelization that create an effective environment for building parish community centered in Jesus.
“Evangelization is a complex process made up of varied elements, the renewal of humanity, witness, explicit proclamation, inner adherence, entrance into the community, acceptance of signs and apostolic initiative. These elements… are complimentary and mutually enriching.”On Evangelization in the Modern World, section 24
Stages that focus on relationships
- Befriend/care –Welcome people to liturgies and events. Includes hospitality ministries, ways people are greeted, and ultimately, the attitudes we have toward others in daily life. Befriending is a primary stance as we care for other’s needs.
- Share Faith Stories –Willingness to talk about ways that we have experienced God, especially in one-to-one settings, ministry meetings and in small sharing groups.
- The Christ Story –Tell others about Jesus mission. G –God’s love, O –our sake, S –Savior, P –Pentecost, E –Enter God’s live through Baptism, L –Local Body of Christ
Stages that focus on invitations
- Invite to Conversion – Encouraging each other to seek meaning and to turn to God in a variety of circumstances.
- Invite to Community –Offer invitations to gatherings, to liturgies and into Jesus-centered relationships within the parish as the local Body of Christ.
Stages that focus on acting out the Gospels
- Discipleship –Live with Jesus as the center of our personal lives & our life together.
- Stewardship –Offering our resources (time, talents, treasure) for the furthering of the Kingdom of God and empowering others to enter into the evangelizing process.
Read more at the National Bishops’ website.