800 Years of Evangelizing through the Christmas Creche

Vatican City (CNS) “On the 800th anniversary of St. Francis of Assisi’s first Nativity scene, the creche in St. Peter’s Square in 2023 will come from the Diocese of Rieti, Italy, where in Greccio this event took place… The scene still will be very simple: Mary and Joseph and the baby Jesus, some shepherds and figures representing a nobleman… and three Franciscan friars who… put a hay-filled manger, an ox and a donkey in a grotto where the local faithful could come to pray and to imagine the poverty and simplicity into which Jesus was born… The unveiling of the creche in the square is scheduled for 7 p.m. Dec. 9. It will remain up through the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Jan. 7, 2024.” For more information go here 

While I was growing up, my family displayed a nativity scene near our Christmas tree and  opposite a miniature winter village. It was a warm and welcoming place for visitors; as well as, a place to share stories, and gifts. I often wondered how Jesus could be so humble, and yet fully divine. This is exactly what St. Francis of Assisi wanted the creche to portray. Since then, my wife, Therese, and I have embraced this practice and expanded our Nativity scene for ourselves and for our children. Now there are more trees, animals and a larger stable, that Mary and Joseph travel toward throughout Advent. We also sing and pray carols together in our home during Advent. To download free pages of Christ-centered Christmas carols visit here.

For 2 to 3 minute sample meditations about key images in Christ centered carols visit here   Any group that you belong to can sing a few carols, then share favorite lines from carols and their personal significance. For instructions  visit here.

Our excitement about St. Francis’ creche has also inspired us to create a seasonal evangelizing outreach to Catholics and the unchurched called, “Christmas Carol Festival: A New Way to Reach Inactive Catholics.” A guidebook is available for this process, which offers 1. an explanation of several months of community preparations. 2. Instructions for offering the centerpiece of the process –a gathering to sing Christ-centered carols, visit a simple crèche and share stories of faith, and finally 3. ways to offer visitors overlapping and ongoing invitations to embrace the Gospel of Jesus. For a brief description of the Festival visit here

About the Bouchers

John and Therese are Educators and Authors. At present, Therese is writing historical fiction, while John offers consultations on evangelization. Between them they have written many books. They both hold a Masters Degree in Religious Education and have worked for the Dioceses of Rockville Centre, NY; Trenton, NJ; and Worcester, MA. John and Therese are the parents of five and the grandparents of five.
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