My Soul Sings


Do you sing in the shower or in your car? Do you hum or whistle? Do you have a playlist of over one hundred songs, or multiple playlists? Music is all around us: in stores, in elevators, at doctor’s offices… Music also stretches back thousands of years: as a guide for working in the fields, or on a ship; as a way to worship God; or as a means for expressing sheer joy. Songs are a very important part of being human.

Certain songs can even reflect God’s touch on our hearts and souls. For example, when Therese was walking down the street after the devastating death of a good friend, she turned on her radio. The first song was “Turn Around Look at Me.” It gave her instant peace that washed over her every time she heard it. This phenomenon is called anchoring. Young Harry often sang the hymn, “How Great Thou Art,” with his uncles on the back porch. He later sang this “anchoring” song to himself as a young soldier.

The Bible is filled with stories about celebrating God’s covenant of love  through music. The Israelites sang after they were spared from slavery (Exodus 15:1 -20). The whole book of the Psalms encourages singing as a form of prayer, fit for every mood and occasion. Psalm 96 invites us to, “Sing a new song to the Lord!” and Psalms 136 to 150 do the same. Best of all, the shepherds on Christmas day did not hear a speech or a sermon. They heard angels singing the good news.

What does this have to do with sharing faith? Here are some pointers.
1. Include religious music in your playlists and as a part of daily prayer. Sing hymns aloud.
2. Consider any song that “anchors” you. Ask where is God’s voice in this? What is God saying?
3. Play religious songs while you have guests in your home or passengers in your car. If you are not sure how comfortable they might be, ask permission to do so.
4. Post a link to a contemporary religious hymn on social media and share a brief statement about how God touches you. Ex: “This song gives me a deep peace. It reminds me that God will help me.”
5. Invite someone to a Christian music concert. Share what the music meant afterwards.

About Terry and John

John and Therese are Educators and Authors. At present, Therese is writing historical fiction, while John offers spirituality workshops online. Between them they have written many books. They both hold a Masters Degree in Religious Education and have worked for the Dioceses of Rockville Centre, NY; Trenton, NJ; and Worcester, MA. John and Therese are the parents of five and the grandparents of five.
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